Fortunately, there is a drug, which at the same time treats both depression and overweight. Its name is Prozac (Fluoxetine).
Fluoxetine is different from all other weight-loss drugs in its nature as originally it is a cure not for weight loss. Fluoxetine is an antidepressant that relieves insomnia, bad mood, nervous breakdowns and suicidal thoughts. Its main purpose – to normalize nervous system function. And as a result, people get rid of bulimia – terrible hunger that constantly appears after each nervous breakdown. If there is no hunger, people eat less, no longer gain weight and lose weight. Accordingly, in contrast to other weight loss agents, Fluoxetine:

- has no effect on intestinal tract, without causing gastrointestinal disorder;
- does not interfere with metabolic processes occurring in the body, allowing it to recover and deal with its internal problems;
- the biggest advantage of the drug is its low price, whereas most drugs for weight loss can significantly empty your wallet.
Weight loss course duration and dosage of Fluoxetine should be determined by a doctor. Everything will depend on individual characteristics of your body, extra weight amount and your anxiety degree.